SIAM IMR23: Attendee Documents

Please consider filling out our short attendee survey to help for future years!

This page contains additional information and resources for attendees:

NOTE: The uploaded research notes, posters and meshing maestro entries have been reduced in resolution in order to conserve bandwidth.

Research notes

The SIAM IMR23 research notes can be found below:

Technical posters

Meshing maestro entries

Short courses

Slides and material from the short courses on Monday 6th March can be accessed here.

Practical information


You can register at the conference each day starting from 8am. Registration is directly at the entrance to the conference venue. All attendees will receive a registration badge, which you are kindly requested to visibly carry during the conference. Please visit the registration desk if your badge is lost.


In keeping with previous IMRs, Monday’s program consists of short courses, and Tuesday sees the start of the main program of talks, posters and other sessions. You can find more information on the program on the program page.

Food and beverages

All break sessions, including tea/coffee breaks and lunches, are listed on the conference program.


The congress centre has three rooms all accessible from the lobby. Most sessions are in the main Turing Room, with other talks occurring in the Euler Room. Refreshments will be served in the Newton Room.

Internet access

Access to the internet is available for all attendees, either via the eduroam service, or by connecting directly to the guest access point named Amsterdam Science Park.

Instructions for speakers

If you are presenting at the IMR, please note that paper talks are 20 minutes, and research notes are 10 minutes. Both talks have 5 minutes for questions. Research note talks will be presented in parallel sessions.

We anticipate that most presenters will wish to use their own computers for presenting. Each room has HDMI and VGA connections. Presenters are encouraged to test their talks and introduce themselves to the chair of their session during breaks. Should you have issues with your AV, please speak to the session chair.

Instructions for poster presenters

The poster presentation session will be on Tuesday 7th March between 6-8pm. Poster presenters are requested to drop off their posters at the registration desk by 8:40am on Tuesday 7th March.

If you have any questions, please find us at the registration desk, or contact the conference or local organising committee chairs whose details are available on the IMR website.


Short course presenter Charles Dapogny
Short course presenter Simona Perotto
Short course presenter Xevi Roca
Keynote speaker Prof. Olga Sorkine-Hornung
Presentations in the Euler Room at CWI
Presentations in the Newton Room at CWI
Our venue for SIAM IMR 2023: CWI
Poster session
Poster session
Poster session
Poster session
Poster session
Discussion panel: Next Generation Models
Discussion panel: Next Generation Models
Discussion panel: Secrets Skills for Meshing
SIAM IMR 2023 Organising Committee
SIAM IMR 2023 Steering Committee
SIAM IMR 2024 Steering Committee
Prize winners: Best Technical Poster Award
Prize winners: Meshing Maestro Award
Prize winners: Best Presentation Award
Prize winners: Best Student Paper Award
Prize winners: Best Technical Paper Award
IMR Fellow 2023: Nilanjan Mukherjee
IMR Fellow 2023: Nilanjan Mukherjee