The IMR Committee is pleased to announce that the Meshing Contest will again be part of the SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2023, Mar. 6-9, 2023.
Participants can submit entries demonstrating the capabilities of their software in either of the following disciplines:
- mesh generation
- mesh post-processing
- or both
Surface (triangular, quad-dominant, quad, etc.) or volume (tetrahedral/hexahedral/hex-dominant/pyramid etc.) meshes or a combination of both are acceptable. The presentation form will be a still image showing the details of the mesh and providing additional information as listed below. Along with detailed mesh images, the image must provide the following information on the mesh:
- Participant(s) name(s)
- Affiliation
- Discipline: mesh generation or mesh post-processing or both
- Meshing code/product used
- Mesh size (number of nodes and elements of each type)
- Meshing use (state the problem of physics/engineering the mesh is intended to be used for, specify analysis type)
As the IMR will be held in Amsterdam the committee decided on a Dutch themed challenge. This model was sourced from GRABCAD and was designed by Emilio Diez who has kindly given us permission to use it. Please find links to download the model here: STEP and Parasolid.

You do not have to mesh the entire domain or all the entities in the model, just produce a great picture demonstrating good meshing technique. Remember, the winner of the Meshing Competition goes on the 2024 IMR t-shirt.
Presenters will give a one-minute presentation advertising their meshing contest entry using a single Powerpoint (.ppt
) slide.
Afterwards, attendees will be encouraged to visit the entries and discuss the details with the presenter.
The attendees will be invited to vote on the best meshing contest entry from an aesthetic point of view: the winning entry will be featured on next year’s t-shirt.
The logistics for printing and getting the poster to the venue are the responsibility of the author.
Posters must be provided in an A0 .pdf
format (841 mm x 1189 mm or 33.1” x 46.8”) with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
Email your note of commitment by the 1st of December 2022 to Jonathan Makem.
Please upload a zipped (.7z
format) copy of your poster pdf and ppt slide by 13 February 2023 on OpenConf.
To participate in the poster session, one must register and attend the conference.
For any question or feedback concerning the meshing contest, please contact the meshing contest chair:
- Jonathan Makem, Meshing Contest Chair