The SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2025 solicits research notes. Authors may submit either a single paragraph abstract or a short paper (at most 4 pages). Accepted submissions will be presented as a talk at the conference.
Research Notes are checked by the committee before acceptance to ensure they are appropriate for the conference. They should describe new ideas, exploratory research, preliminary results, or updates to previously published research in the field of meshing. They are not peer reviewed and do not have to be anonymous.
Each research note will be given 10 minutes for presentation followed by 5 minutes for Q&A. The SIAM IMR committee will award a prize for the best presentation of a research note. Notes will appear on the IMR website after the conference.
There is no limit to the number of papers and research notes an author can submit. However, at least one of the authors must register for the IMR and present. Each registrant may give at most one presentation (paper or research note). All authors and presenters are encouraged to also submit posters and meshing contest entries.
Formatting Requirements
Research notes are at least a paragraph and at most 4 pages including figures, tables, and appendices, but excluding references. Authors are welcome to submit supplementary material to the actual research note, however the paper must be complete without it. Acceptable supplementary material includes:
- Lengthy or detailed experimental results, beyond summaries in the research note itself
- Code or pseudocode
- Datasets: publicly sharing input models that others can try their algorithms on is especially welcome
- Images
- Animations
- Proofs
Authors are encouraged to make the supplementary material publicly available after acceptance.
Formatting should follow the SIAM two-column template.
Important Dates
Note that deadlines are End of Day, Anywhere on Earth.
- Call for research notes: June 21, 2024
- Research note submission deadline: December 30, 2024
- Research note notification of acceptance: January 13, 2025
Submitting a research note is a two-step process. First, authors must initiate a submission on OpenConf by adding the title and author information. Authors will then receive an email with the submission ID and can submit their research note to OpenConf using this submission ID and password.
Please upload a zipped (7z
, zip
, tar
or gz
format) copy of your research note pdf
by December 30, 2024 on OpenConf.
For any question concerning research notes, please contact:
- Xiaopeng Zheng, Research notes chair
Dalian University of Technology