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February 22-25, 2022
The SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop 2022 (SIAM IMR22) will be held Feb. 22-25, 2022 as an online-only conference.
Registration for the SIAM IMR22 conference is now open. The conference is free to all attendees, and will be held on MS Teams. Please register for the event here, and find further details on the registration page.
- Registration is now open: please see the link above.
- The meshing contest is now open with submission deadline of February 15, 2022.
- We are excited to announce our plenary speakers for this year’s conference!
- Details for this year’s short courses are now available.
- Nominations for IMR Fellow are now open, with a deadline of February 14, 2022. Please see the registration & schedule page for further details.
The SIAM IMR will be online only this year.
In October we communicated that SIAM had taken the decision that all its conferences in the first half of 2022 would be hybrid, including the SIAM IMR workshop. The organizing committee has now taken the decision that in 2022 the SIAM IMR will run as a free, online only, event.
We have not taken this decision lightly, but based on important factors, including:
- A survey of the IMR community indicates a large majority intended to attend the Hybrid SIAM IMR online.
- The onset of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 makes travel in February an unknown.
- We held a highly successful online IMR in June 2021.
The online event will run February 22-25, 2022. The main conference itself will be held on the original dates of February 23-25, with short courses held on February 22, 2022.
About the SIAM IMR
In 1992, Sandia National Laboratories started the International Meshing Roundtable as a small meeting of like-minded companies and organizations striving to establish a common focus for research and development in the field of mesh and grid generation. After 29 years as a successful conference series, we are joining SIAM to organize the IMR in our 30th year, which will now be known as the SIAM International Meshing Roundtable Workshop. This year’s roundtable will be held co-located with the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP22).
The SIAM IMR workshop continues to focus on bringing together researchers and developers from academia, national labs and industry in a stimulating, open environment to share technical information related to mesh generation and general pre-processing techniques.