IMR Steering Committee

The Steering Committee ensures the enduring success of the IMR over the years. Its responsibilities include:

  • Interact with SIAM
    • Submit candidates and issues to SIAM for approval
    • Coordinate conference details with sister conferences
    • Plan for future conferences (beyond next year)
  • Maintain by-laws, guidelines, historical documents, and the LinkedIn IMR Group
  • Website funding and overall maintenance
  • Serve as a resource for the Organizing Committee

It is composed of 5 members committed to 5 years of service. Each year, one member rotates off and is replaced by a new one. Members must have served on an Organizing Committee, preferably as Chair. The current committee is composed of

  • Suzanne Shontz – Chair
    University of Kansas
  • Scott Canann
  • Scott Mitchell
    Sandia National Laboratories
  • David Moxey
    King’s College London
  • John Verdicchio – SIAM liaison

Anyone who has attended an IMR can nominate or self-nominate. Diversity is prioritized to achieve balance in terms of location, affiliation (industry, university, research lab), and gender.

The Steering Committee meets once a month. Each member spends about 2-5 hours per month on committee activities. These may be reduced in the future.

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee plans and runs the IMR each year. Its responsibilities include:

  • Plan and run the IMR
  • Communicate about the conference
  • Papers – planning, review, acceptance, and selection for Special Edition
  • Awards
  • Website – update for each conference
  • Sponsors – find and coordinate
  • Student Grants – IMR travel assistance

Members of the Organizing Committee commit for 2 (sometimes 3) years, with the goal that half of the committee rotates off each year. Similarly to the Steering Committee, diversity is prioritized.

Anyone who has attended an IMR can nominate or self-nominate. The incoming Chair is responsible for reviewing and nominating new members, with the assistance from the exiting Chair. Each new member must be approved by SIAM.

The Organizing Committee meets once a month, with a time commitment of a few hours per month per member. Extra effort is required when reviewing papers and around the time leading into the conference. Each member typically oversees a portion of the conference.